Tamika Rochele’s Bio...

New up and coming  poet Tamika Rochele,  from Phoenix, AZ  has always had a  passion for writing and  bringing thoughts to  life through the art of  spoken word. She  spent  most of her childhood  writing poems and  greeting cards for family  and friends. She has  always had a love  for the art  of stringing  words  together in such  a way that they might truly have an impact on someone else, which is what inspired her to put pen to paper and share her poetic thoughts with the world. While she has resided in Phoenix most of her life, her roots are in the heart of Cayce, SC. Her poetic style is smooth and silky, with a little in your face, “Real Talk”, dirty south attitude. Take a handful of intellect, a little bit of humor, and just enough sex appeal, and you have Tamika Rochele (w/one L) at her finest!
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